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On this rainy pest of a morning
I offer you a summer of sweetness
Right here.

Just as the window is pelted with drops of rain
I will assail the pillar of your spine with kisses
Like these.

When the chill draught creeps through the crack between doors
You will only feel a soft breath on your neck
And it will be warm, not cold.

And when the sun finally peeks out and lines the clouds with silver
and casts little circle shadows on our skin
We will breathe

And just be still.

© Me, 2011

Since this is a collaboration with some of my favorite bay area musicians, I’m giving my self the leeway to post something personal on this lil’ art blog.
This is Avatar Ensemble with Doug Martin on lead guitar, Jason Vanderford on rhythm guitar, Clint Baker on upright bass, Michael Zisman on mandolin, and me on the dance floor. The song is “Quizas, quizas, quizas.”


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